President’s Greeting


Welcome to the American Evangelistic Association.
For well over a half century AEA has faithfully served the Body of Christ by equipping, certifying and sending pastors, missionaries and trained laity into the Harvest.   AEA serves the visible, as well as the underground churches of the world, where our affiliated pastors and congregants put life itself on the line every day.

If you are a person called by the Mighty Lord of Hosts to join us in the Harvest, we welcome you. You must be of good report, well recommended and have a history that demonstrates clearly that you personally have a relationship with the Lord and know how to handle His Sword of Truth.

Our statement of faith is clearly set forth. We do not quibble about those issues that divide many, but with the major tenants of the Church, we allow no compromise. We exist to proclaim the Good News that the Kingdom of God is here, win the lost, console the weak and helpless, build up and equip the Body for combat. We are on a mission to penetrate the darkest regions of the enemy and bring the Light of Truth to any who will hear.

We are thankful that the Lord has used AEA all these years but our fervent prayer is that our most productive days for the Kingdom are ahead. We are not, nor do we represent a religious hierarchy. We believe The Lord calls individuals to the battle. Our calling is to assist to see that your efforts in ministry are maximized through mutual defense, experienced advisors, arbitration mechanisms, mission challenges, prayer intercession, strategy assistance, plus networking and fellowship with some of the Lord’s chosen servants. Through wisdom given by the Lord, we will succeed together in fulfilling His calling.

Till the final Victory,

E. John Reinhold

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