Core Values

We are a Biblical “community of faith.” Our heart is not to argue with the Bible nor explain it away, but to live out its claims. We value the instruction, encouragement and the knowledge of God that His Word provides.
As a Result:
- Relevant Biblical teaching is reflected in our ABBA Fellowships.
- Biblical priorities characterize our lifestyles.
2. We Value Being Spirit-Led
The church is unlike any other human institution. We are not its owner or boss. Jesus is the sole owner! Our plans may differ widely from His, however, we value allowing the Spirit to move freely in His church directing it as He chooses.
As a Result:
- We seek Him in every decision in the life of our Fellowship.
- We wait for His direction in times of ministry.
- “Freedom” characterizes all of our meetings. Servant leadership is our governmental style.
3. We Value Intimacy with God
At the core of our Christian life there resides an insatiable desire to know Him. We center not on rules, religious duties or mechanical rituals but a relationship with Jesus. We freely offer Him all of who we are and steward.
As a Result:
- Our lives reflect our intimate relationship with Jesus.
- Prayer is an invitation to intimacy with God, not a difficult rule to follow.
- Our worship clearly reflects our intimacy.
4. We Value Team Ministry
We are not seeking to build a monument to a man but to equip people to serve others. Each one of us has gifts to be utilized in expanding God’s Kingdom. The value of team ministry is moving people from the “Stadium Seats” to the “Playing Field”; walking people to wholeness in healing and maturity.
As a Result:
- It is our expectation to train and release people in ministry.
- We understand that maturing in ministry must be accompanied by the “freedom to fail”. Faithfulness can be quick but maturing requires time.
- Team Outreach opportunities are always available. We strive to be an outreach-oriented Fellowship.
5. We Value Being Real
We want to be real in our relationship with God and each other. We choose to unmask our religious veneers even when it is much more “comfortable” to hide. We will not consciously try to “hype” the atmosphere or do things for “show”.
As a Result:
- Casual and comfortable characterizes our dress and attitude.
- Conversational teaching/equipping characterizes our meetings.
6. We Value Excellence
We seek to honor God by applying excellence in all we do. Living a life in the Spirit is not an excuse for sloppiness. Excellence honors God and inspires people.
As a Result:
- All our gatherings, including joint Family Celebrations with other Christians, are done as well as possible.
- We meet in our homes and strive to respect and maintain what God has entrusted to us as we practice hospitality.
7. We Value Freedom to Be You
We value a grace-filled atmosphere of genuine love and acceptance. People want to know that they are loved and cared for before they’re expected to change. We love people as they are.
As a Result:
- We choose to look past the outward appearance to see the heart.
- We offer broken warriors a place to heal.
- We believe that they will become mature and reproduce in time.
8. We Value Rapid Reproduction of Disciples and Groups
We value the command of Jesus to “Go and make disciples….” This operates from the basic assumption that the disciples are to be connected in such a way that they are in fact significant “members” of the Body of Christ.
As a Result:
- We see every new convert as having the potential to reach his/her Oikos (family, friends, circle of influence and neighborhood) for Christ.
- We offer discipleship training to equip them to reach their Oikos.
- We release them and give permission to gather their converts by planting and facilitating a house church.
- We coach and mentor them in disciplining, training and sending their converts out to plant the next house church.
9. We Value Unity, Not Uniformity
Unity at all times dealing with essentials, tolerance in non-essentials and grace to the brethren in all things.