The Application Process

American Evangelistic Association

The American Evangelistic Association invites those committed to advancing the Cause of Christ in American and Around the World to apply for association with the organization.  The AEA was founded in 1954 as an association of Churches, Pastors, Missionaries and Trained Laity.

If you are a person called by the Mighty Lord of Hosts to join us in the Harvest, we welcome you. You must be of good report, well recommended and have a history that demonstrates clearly that you personally have a relationship with the Lord and know how to handle His Sword of Truth.

Our statement of faith is clearly set forth. We do not quibble about those issues that divide many, but with the major tenants of the Church, we allow no compromise.  We exist to proclaim the Good News that the Kingdom of God is here, win the lost, console the weak and helpless, build up and equip the Body for combat.  We are on a mission to penetrate the darkest regions of the enemy and bring the Light of Truth to any who will hear.

The Credentials Committee evaluates rigorously all candidates for AEA credentials.

AEA’s Credentials Committee receives applications, contacts all references, and in some instances contacts references of references. Evaluation is then made as to work and learning experiences, as well as service in aspects of Christian ministry. The candidate is interviewed by one or more of the committee. The committee’s conclusion is then given to the candidate.

The AEA Credentialing Committee/Board reserves the right to revoke any membership on demand as it pertains to all credentials, documents, and/or affiliations, or actions contrary to the AEA Mission/Statement, Doctrine, Statement of Faith, Code of Ethics, and Ordinances of the Church of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In addition, as it is already recorded on the the Christian Worker, License, and Ordination Certificates, all AEA Certificates would have to be surrendered and returned upon demand to the Association.

Steps for completion of the application process:

1. Access the AEA Application for Individual membership, print it and fill it in completely.

2. Attach 2 passport-photographs

3. A copy of your passport, if you have one.

4. Thumb prints should be done at the designated places.

5. Print & Sign the AEA Agreement, Statement of Faith, and Code of Ethics.

6. Payment can be made by check or credit card.  (See Application Form)

New Licensed/Ordained Individual Member Application:
Member Application Fee: $55.00 one time application fee
Monthly support of $30.00 minimum or more
Annual Renewal Fee will be: $40.00 a year + Monthly Support
Initial Payment with Application: $85.00


New Church Worker Individual Member Application:
Member Application Fee: $45.00 one time application fee
Monthly support of $30.00 minimum or more
Annual Renewal Fee will be: $40.00 a year + Monthly Support
Initial Payment with Application: $75.00


New Affiliated Ministry Member Application:
Affiliation Application Fee: $55.00 one time application fee
Monthly support $30.00 a month or 1% of Ministry’s gross income; whichever is greater.
Annual Renewal Fee will be: $30.00 a year + Monthly Support
Initial Payment with Application: $85.00

7. Mail the above to:

Credentials Committee
P.O. Box 121000
Melbourne, Florida 32912-1000

You may also submit payment via Paypal (see below).
Expect 4-6 weeks for a decision. You will be notified by mail.

Membership Payment Options

The American Evangelistic Association - 321-725-1186.

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