AEA Ministries 64th Anniversary Fall Conference.
Fall 2018 – November 2nd-4th 2018 – Melbourne FL
FRIDAY – Nov. 2, 2018
6:30 pm Evening Meet and Greet at Olive Garden Restaurant
2508 New Haven Avenue, W. Melbourne, FL 32905. Reservations required. Dinner at 7:00 pm. Call or Email Cyndi to reserve your seat by Oct. 30TH. Seating Limited. (Entree options $19.00, plus tax and tip).
SATURDAY – NOV. 3, 2018
AEA Conference at Community Gospel Truth Church
795 S. Wickham Rd, W. Melbourne, FL 32904
Registration 8:30am /Conference 9:00 am-4:00 pm, AEA Bishop Jerry Lawrence and Pastor Maria Lawrence hosting. There is no charge to this day’s event. Lunch will be provided on site for those that Pre-register. A Free-will Offering will be taken.
Our conference will feature Keynote Speakers teaching on “Advancing the Cause of Christ” related subjects: Pastor Laura Wallace, (Missions: America and Beyond), Bishop Charles & Dr. Judy Farmer, (Refuge of Hope), Dr. Kerry Fink & Dr. Ed Connatser, (Chesapeake Bible College and Seminary), Dr. Gregory Reid, (YouthFire Ministries), Dr. Kerry Fink & Seth Fink, (Marketplace Media), Rev. John Small, (representing the International Christian Embassy, Jerusalem).
6:00 pm Chesapeake Bible College & Seminary Graduation
SUNDAY – Nov. 4, 2018 11:00 am
Community Gospel Truth Church
795 S. Wickham Rd, W. Melbourne, FL 32904
Morning Fellowship Service, AEA Pastors Jerry and Maria Lawrence
1:00 pm Reception Fellowship with light refreshments
Please note: Registration is required. Call 321-725-1186 to Register.
HOTELS Convenient for Conference: Call for reservations –
QUALITY INN, 321-725-2952, 890 Palm Bay Road, Palm Bay, Florida
HAMPTON INN of MELBOURNE, 321-956-6200, 194 Dike Road, Melbourne, Florida 32904